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About Us
With Almighty’s grace we made a humble beginning in 1972 When Late Puran Das Ji Our Father , a saint helped to start our service, Business was not his motto, his saying goes thus “ Money should be the mean & not aim of life, Satisfaction is h ultimate goal.

With this Capital, We started; your faith & love have helped us to become a tree from a sampling. 42 Glorious years made us a member of your family, a member always at your services.

The Passing year gave us the opportunity to look into your problem during shopping –Place, Price, Quality Satisfaction & Time. This Lead us to introduce you to new world of shopping “RAMA SUPER MARKET“ The Five Storied Air-Condition store where Quality shopping is guaranteed under a single roof. After all we would like to say that this is your super market & we serve at our best.

At RAMA SUPER MARKET you get more value for every rupee you spend. RAMA SUPER MARKET is one of leading retail market in chittaurgarh that offers customers the widest range of products and services at the most competitive prices.

It is our primary goal to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality goods and services specifically to their particular needs and requirements from Fashion & Accessories to home need goods,our Supermarket Service organisation is your one stop shop.
  Rama Super Market
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